vineri, 28 iunie 2013

Ca tine...

And a happy one

Discutie cu colega al carei baiat tocmai a terminat clasa a 8-a:

Eu: Ati terminat cu examenele? La ce liceu vrea sa mearga?

Colega: La SAVA! Si daca nu e sa ia la Sava, atunci la Vianu.
Si daca nu ar fi nici Vianu, atunci la ... Viteazu'...

Just made my day :)


joi, 27 iunie 2013



I-am spus "te las liber". Desi e persoana la care tin cel mai mult...
Dar a trebuit. Punctul in care ajunsesem, cu probleme mari de comunicare si diferente de perceptie, ne-a topit pe amandoi.
Cat de mult inseamna el pentru mine? Nu mai e o dragoste adolescentina, nici o dependenta bolnavicioasa. Este PARTE DIN MINE. Nu am nevoie de el sa-mi fie alaturi, dar sa existe in continuare in mine!
Sper ca intr-o zi sa ma creada si el...

Imi pare rau, iarta-ma!
IMI ESTI DRAG, rau de tot, asa cum numai tu stii sa-mi fii...!!!

miercuri, 26 iunie 2013

Love is never enough

Case: G and B, both busy in their careers, had decided to spend more time together. One Saturday, G told B of her plan to spend the afternoon shopping. B, wanting to be close to G, immediately decided to accompany her. G, after a particularly frustrating work day, interpreted this as an intrusion (thinking “He never lets me do my own thing”). She nevertheless said nothing to B and was quiet during the entire shopping expedition. B interpreted her silence to mean that she didn’t care for his company, and he become angry at her. G reacted to his anger by withdrawing even more.

*G – girlfriend

 B – boyfriend

** text preluat si adaptat